HTML Table to JSON Converter Online

Convert HTML tables to JSON objects. Transform multiple tables into an array of JSON objects.

The HTML Table to JSON converter is designed to streamline the process of converting HTML tables into JSON objects. Its primary purpose is to simplify the transformation of tabular data presented in HTML format into a structured JSON representation. This tool offers an efficient way to extract data from HTML tables and convert it into a format that can be easily utilized for various programming and data manipulation tasks.

Example 1: HTML Table with Headers

HTML Table:

JSON Output:

Example 2: HTML Table without Headers

HTML Table:

JSON Output:

In the first example, the HTML table includes table headers. Each row in the table corresponds to an object in the JSON output, with the header values serving as keys and the cell values as values.

In the second example, the HTML table doesn't have explicit headers. The JSON output represents the table rows with the first row used as keys.

Both examples showcase the conversion process of HTML tables to JSON format, illustrating how tabular data can be transformed and structured for various programming and data manipulation purposes.